The annual meeting of the O.R. TAMBO Research Chairs Initiative in Africa (ORTARChl) kicked off this morning in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. A first in French-speaking Africa, and in Burkina Faso, the only French-speaking country in the ORTARChI network. A number of countries are also taking part, including South Africa, Zambia, Uganda, Mozambique, Ghana, Canada, Tanzania, Botswana and many others.
This meeting, which began on October 28, 2024, will continue on October 29 and 30, 2024 at the Hộtel Sopatel Silmandé in Ouagadougou.
The event took place under the patronage of His Excellency the Prime Minister
the Prime Minister, Head of Government, and is co-organized by the Université Joseph Kl-
ZERBO University, the Fonds National de la Recherche et de IInnovation pour le Développement
(FONRID) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa.
The theme of the ORTARChl 2024 annual meeting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, is: “African Sovereignty: a catalyst for research collaboration and social impact on the continent”.
This is a historic occasion, honoring and celebrating the legacies of Oliver Reginald
The theme is inspired by the legacies of Thomas SANKARA and Oliver Reginald TAMBO,
two leaders who embodied the values of empathy, generosity, forgiveness, hospitality,
humility, respect, etc. (Ubuntu). They were both defenders of African sovereignty
self-determination and social justice. Their values continue to
resonate with current efforts to promote research collaboration and social impact
social impact across the African continent.
The main objective of this meeting is to provide a leading platform to
highlight research chairholders and their research activities ;
bring together key players in the initiative; and engage in a collective review,
learning and exchange of experience on the implementation of ORTARChl.
The Minister of Higher Education, Innovation and Scientific Research, representing His Excellency the Prime Minister, congratulated all those involved in organizing the meeting and officially opened the proceedings.
Dr Babou André BATIONO, Managing Director of the Fond National De Recherche et de l’Innovation pour le Développement (FONRID) recalled the importance for FONRID of supporting development initiatives for Burkina Faso and its commitment to South-South cooperation.
Dr Dorothy Ngila, from the National Research Foundation in South Africa, appreciated the partnership between the various players who made this meeting possible, and recalled that it was the first time these meetings had been held outside South Africa.
Mrs. Natasha Allie, from the Olivier and Adélaïde Tambo Foundation, recalled the importance of this initiative for the Tambo Foundation and the vision and legacy of Olivier Reginald Tambo for Africa and future generations. She stressed that the meeting was a demonstration of what Africa can achieve when brilliant African scientists come together.
“Together we are creating a movement that will enable a more equitable future for Africans.”
After a presentation of African heroes Olivier Reginald Tambo and Captain Thomas SANKARA and their visions of development for Africa by Pr Serge Théophile BALIMA, the latter recalled the lessons we must learn from the lives and struggles of these heroes, who advocated equality and humanism in all fields.
Discussions focused on the need to establish a global research platform in Africa. Professor Stephen SYAMPUNGANI, from Zambia, stressed the importance of research for environmental management, pollution and land degradation, as well as the need to assess the impact of mining.
Following the presentation of the Zambia Chair, Professor Almeida SITOE from Mozambique took the floor to introduce the Mozambique Chair. He discussed ecosystems in arid and semi-arid zones, the importance of biodiversity and mechanisms for adapting to climate change, while recalling the significant commitment of the Mozambique Chair to research in Africa.
Prof. Olga LOMPO, the Chair’s coordinator, and Dr. Samiratou OUEDRAOGO, the Chair’s deputy coordinator, presented and reviewed the activities of the Burkina Faso Cancer Research Chair.
The day was extremely enriching, with each participant expressing great satisfaction with the smooth running of the working sessions on this first day of the ORTARChI annual meeting.
The team
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